Cops Have a Moral Duty To Do What Is Right

2 min readDec 3, 2020

It pains me to say this, but not all those in blue are worth “backing”.

When violent criminal thugs attack the police, I stand with the police. When the police have to use extreme or lethal force, I have traditionally given them the benefit of the doubt and a lot of grace. I can’t imagine the amount of stress that is introduced into the life of someone who decides to be a law enforcement officer.


Not all law enforcement officers are people of high moral character; and those who break their oaths should be identified as morally bankrupt paid thugs that hide behind a badge.

Law enforcement officers swear an oath to uphold the Constitution.

The Constitution supersedes the edict of a governor.

The Constitution supersedes the edict of a mayor.

The Constitution supersedes the edicts of a legislative or governmental body.

The Constitution supersedes State laws.

The Constitution supersedes local laws.

The Constitution supersedes public opinion.

The Constitution supersedes conditions brought about by environmental variables.

The Constitution supersedes an edict of the President of the United States of America.

The First Amendment enumerates the right of Americans to peaceably assemble, without conditions or constraints. The Fourth Amendment secures the right of Americans in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Many of these COVID restrictions violate Americans rights in both the First and Fourth Amendments.

It is the moral duty of law enforcement officers to put country before their station and to reject any fiat, order, law, or mandate that violates those Constitutional principles. Any law enforcement officer who honors the Constitution and its clearly articulated civil liberties is my friend and ally.

Any law enforcement officer who is willing to violate the Constitution for the sake of employment or who (God forbid) is in favor of tyranny, is an enemy of the Constitution. They are an enemy of America. And, as such, they are an enemy of mine. They are active foes of our republic. They are cowards. They are thugs. They are the scum of the earth.

The premise of “just following orders” didn’t pass muster 80 years ago; and it doesn’t pass muster now.

You have the option to call in sick. You have the option to protest and refuse an order. You have the option to resign.

The same people you are subjugating in the violation of these Constitutionally-defined rights are the very ones who would have your back if you needed an advocate.

I would encourage all law enforcement officers to remember who your friends are, and to do the right thing if you are called upon to violate your conscience and oath to the Constitution of the United States.




What do Batman, Megadeth, and ‘Merica all have in common? Like me — they were all born out rage-provoking injustice. I am the ANGRY RED BASTARD.